Saturday, February 27, 2010


This is probably one of the most popular attractions in southern Thailand is out in the Andaman Sea.  It is known locally as Phi-Phi island (pee-pee).  There are two islands, phi phi don and phi phi ley.  This is the location of the where the movie "The Beach" was filmed starring Leonardo DeCaprio.  The only practical way to head out there from Phuket is by speed boat and will still take up most of your day.
The guides will stop at a half dozen places and let you jump overboard to do some snorkling, and usually stopping at an inlet for a provided lunch.    Personally, I have been out here about 4 times and don't need to go anymore.  I prefer different modes of transportation and different areas.  If you ever find yourself in Thailand though, you just cannot pass this one up.  It's one of those "must see" places on the globe.

As you can see (or not), I am standing on the actual beach taking these pictures.  Somewhere around here I have pictures of the beach.  They have nice short dirt trails you can walk down, and there you will find a couple bamboo huts where you can purchase "refreshments",  and enjoy your stay!  It truly is one of those places where you just never want to leave.  How soon it ends, and it's time to move on...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

We took a vacation to visit the Domican Republic.  The DR shares the same rock as Haiti.  One island, about cut in 1/2.  The above picture, I took at random from the beach at our resort.  This was my first time staying at one of those "all inclusive" jobs that I've heard so much about over the years.  So, at the outset here, I'd have to give it a thumbs down overall, for me.  I had the sense of being "stuck" in one area, and not being able to really leave and go explore around.  For one thing, it's very dangerous.  It is NOT a good idea to leave the resort grounds period.  They have quite the security trying to keep the needy from entering.  They even had armed guards down at the end of the property line on the beach.

The weather was HOT.  I think this is the hottest outside temperatures that I have ever felt.  Intense for sure.  You either had to have the shade of a palm, or be in the water.  The water itself is about 85 deg F, or has to be near, so it's very easy to spend too much time out in it and burn like a lobster, which I did.  We hired a catamaran for the whole day, and cruised out to a few different islands for swimming and fun.  They have a different approach to "refreshments" upon these boats.  There motto is :"Save the water, drink the rum", and they mean it as they pass the bottles around.  Morgan sure loved riding the water while laying out on the net.

As far as beaches go, the weather, the resort staff, it is worth a trip.  We have done it, but have no plans on returning back.  Where I find my most enjoyment in travelling, is mixing it up with the locals.  I like to get into their culture and feel absolutely safe while doing it.  This is why I keep returning to Thailand.  Just feels like home away from home anymore..........maybe one day it will be  :-)

After flying into the Dominican Republic, we landed at Santo Domingo.  From there, we took a 2+hour bus ride along the countryside to our resort and destination.  I found the countryside to be alarming.  I had the feeling of destitution and hopelessness, looking around at the lives these locals find themselves living in.  And these folks have it good compared with their neighbors to the West, Haiti.  However, then you drive down the private drive to the resort.  These are way away from the local fare, people and community.  Like I said before, you wouldn't to venture out anyways.  We had a couple two weeks, had a blast and left our mark.  So many places, so little time...............

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Gentle Giants

The Beloved Thai Elephant.  You can find them anywhere in Thailand, and the more you leave the city you run into more and more as the miles pass away.  However, don't be surprised to see a number of elephants each day and night right downtown Bangkok - crossing traffic etc.  The owners make a living with these family members, but selling bananas  to idiots like me who buy them, and feed them back to his elephant.  What a sucker!  But, I cannot refuse the look of an elephant as they approach you from behind and bump you gently with their trunk.  They are immediately friendly with you, and want you to fish out some money, and FEED ME SOME BANANAS!

Trekking with them through the jungle is quite an interesting ride.  They have the own un-ending cadence when they walk.  It never changes, their natural rhythm.  This can get actually quite uncomfortable if your trek is longer than an hour, and you sway back and forth, up and down, forward and back.  It's not as comfy as it looks, but who cares right?  Its fun and the elephants are treated well, the owner is making a living with this creature, and he is taken care of with pride.  It is a mark of wealth to have access to your own elephant, or even own it outright yourself.  It's quite an honor in Thailand.

I took this picture during a nighttime swim, downtown Bangkok.  I wish I would have found this spot long ago, as it is very moderatley inexpensive, and the perfect area of Bkk to stay.  It's relation to Suhumvit and Pratunam areas are mere miniutes away by foot, and even quicker on a tuk tuk, or taxi.  
The service is impeccable and you feel spoiled soon after arriving.  But then again, this is Thailand.  You tend to feel this way the whole time you spend there.The pool was open all hours of the night, so those of us on our initial "jetlag" find ourselves easily taking a swim at 3:25 am.  Your body soon adjusts to the local time in a couple - few days.  There is no problem with this, and no hurry to acclimate.  

What you appreciate most of this culture, is the locals that you get to interact with throughout your day.  Conversations don't happen here in America like they do there.  It does take an adjustment to this new way of interacting with people.  But quickly you realize that this is the way you prefer.  Slow down, focus on the conversation, listen and learn.  And always smile!  It goes a very long ways........
If you ever find yourself in Bangkok, you just must visit the floating market amongst other landmarks.  Usually have to take a taxi/bus from your hotel in Bkk for about 1.5 hours, as you travel to a launch point on the river.  When you arrive at the "terminal" (basically a beach with nice trees, some tables and chairs, complementary coffee/tea, and soup if you wish) you then board your Longtail boat, and head up river to the "floating market".

There, they throttle the engine way down, let me back up for a min.  Don't hesitate to ask for your OWN boat.  It's worth the upgrade, you basically hire a boat and driver for as long as you want.  He will take you anywhere you wish to go as he doesn't have a tour crowd to deal with.  My wife and daughter and myself, had our own boat.

 If you show the slightest interest in how you look at the store wares!  Soon you will catch on to how crafty these folks are.  They "notice" your briefest glance, and will pull the boat over to the stall and you can dicker with the store front owner.  Good luck with that!  They are intense sellers, whom could sell an ice maker in Antartica.  These funny people will take your money and you will come home with so much crap, all you can do is laugh.  You see, the people so nice and friendly that you have to give in and buy something from them.  Its a fun game, but can get out of line.  Fun place to go for sure.....

paradise in Karon Beach

My new digs in Karon Beach.  After visiting this area 7 different times, I finally found my seclusion up on the hilltops about 1/4 mile from the beach.  I shouldn't tell you this, but this particular resort took me for $29.00 per night.  I know, gouged me right?  ha

As you can see, we had the pool all to ourselves!  If the clouds were not in this picture, way off in the distance on top of a mountain, a Buddha statue can be seen from any vantage point on the island.  It is 200 feet tall and looks to be made of marble, though most likely limestone.  I haven't visited there yet, but you can run your motorbikes up to that spot.  I hear it is spectacular.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

One of my favorite areas to play around is Phuket, Thailand.  When you get off the beaten path, you quickly find the treasures of the island (s).  Once you find a hotspot for the longtail boats, as pictured above, you can very cheaply get taxied all day long to the favorite local snorkling spots.  By going this way, you can get off the major tourist hubs and be all alone if you wish.  Just you and the fish!  I truly is like diving into a fish tank.  The fish are everywhere!  All different sizes and colors, and they are NOT shy.  It can be a little daunting at first, but you get quickly used to their company, and soon you will crave it.   I will have to say, one of the highlights of my life has been the hours spend in complete solitude and quietness with the fish of the Andaman Sea.  I can't wait to return..........

Thailand 2009 with Family

My daughter Morgan finally had the itch to go see the land of smiles.  She had heard all the stories of mine and finally decided that she was coming along no matter what!  So, off to Bangkok we went - all three of us. My wife was heading back to Thailand for her second time and couldn't wait to arrive.  We arrived in Bangkok and stayed three days before flying to Phuket.  Morgan had her concept of the world changed in very short order, as she finally took a ride on a Tuk-Tuk - which is a three wheeled contraption, 2 stroke wild machine in which the drivers weave in and out of traffic as though the end of the world is approaching.  It is great fun!  Then the shopping.  and more shopping!  I tended to stay poolside as Jill and Morgan ventured to the Pratunam district to do the street shopping, which frankly is in describeable.  If you have never experienced it, then put this on your "to do " list.  Well, I will end my first posting for now..........just wanted to get my feet wet with the operation of this blog, so I will publish more as time allows.  Now get out there and enjoy this big rock of ours called EARTH!
I have decided to write and keep a blog.  This mainly will be a place that I can journal about my previous and upcoming travels around the planet, my experiences with the people and the different cultures, and hopefully upload some pictures if I can figure that out.  It is an amazing world out there!  We have travelled from the Dominican Republic/Haiti, to Cambodia and Thailand.  I am considering a jaunt to South America soon.  YOU CAN CLICK ON THE PICTURES TO ENLARGE TO FULL SIZE!