Friday, February 19, 2010

I took this picture during a nighttime swim, downtown Bangkok.  I wish I would have found this spot long ago, as it is very moderatley inexpensive, and the perfect area of Bkk to stay.  It's relation to Suhumvit and Pratunam areas are mere miniutes away by foot, and even quicker on a tuk tuk, or taxi.  
The service is impeccable and you feel spoiled soon after arriving.  But then again, this is Thailand.  You tend to feel this way the whole time you spend there.The pool was open all hours of the night, so those of us on our initial "jetlag" find ourselves easily taking a swim at 3:25 am.  Your body soon adjusts to the local time in a couple - few days.  There is no problem with this, and no hurry to acclimate.  

What you appreciate most of this culture, is the locals that you get to interact with throughout your day.  Conversations don't happen here in America like they do there.  It does take an adjustment to this new way of interacting with people.  But quickly you realize that this is the way you prefer.  Slow down, focus on the conversation, listen and learn.  And always smile!  It goes a very long ways........

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