Friday, February 19, 2010

The Gentle Giants

The Beloved Thai Elephant.  You can find them anywhere in Thailand, and the more you leave the city you run into more and more as the miles pass away.  However, don't be surprised to see a number of elephants each day and night right downtown Bangkok - crossing traffic etc.  The owners make a living with these family members, but selling bananas  to idiots like me who buy them, and feed them back to his elephant.  What a sucker!  But, I cannot refuse the look of an elephant as they approach you from behind and bump you gently with their trunk.  They are immediately friendly with you, and want you to fish out some money, and FEED ME SOME BANANAS!

Trekking with them through the jungle is quite an interesting ride.  They have the own un-ending cadence when they walk.  It never changes, their natural rhythm.  This can get actually quite uncomfortable if your trek is longer than an hour, and you sway back and forth, up and down, forward and back.  It's not as comfy as it looks, but who cares right?  Its fun and the elephants are treated well, the owner is making a living with this creature, and he is taken care of with pride.  It is a mark of wealth to have access to your own elephant, or even own it outright yourself.  It's quite an honor in Thailand.

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