Saturday, May 14, 2011

SunLine Dunes - Qatar coastline

We had a lot of fun yesterday at Sun Line.  There
were four of us in the Toyota Landcruiser.  Our hired driver says he has been driving the dunes for 8 yrs.  After we let about 1/2 the air out of the tires, we began our safari out through the desert.  We ventured out about 70 miles into nothingness, then ended up next the the Gulf for dinner, cold water drinks, swimming and some cool camels to talk to.

Again, it was a very hot day.  We are now getting into the hot season here in Qatar.  Last few days have been 115F or so.  The gulf felt wonderful to run into and swim, until I estimated the water to be at least 90+ degrees.  A little warm for my taste.

My buddy snuck up and took an unexpected shot of me kicking back and reading my Kindle.  See?  I go NOWHERE without it.  Still my favorite gadget of all  :-)

Now let me introduce you to a new friend of mine. He didn't say much, but I can tell he liked me.  Scratched his chin, ears and shoulders for him.  Not shy at all.  A very well behaved camel.  I decided not to ride him as I know thats what hes been doing all day.  Time for rest  :

As the sun went down, it became much more comfortable.  Here is a picture of my buddy Dave. Just relaxing after a hard day of drivin' and ridin'

And ofcourse, as the ambient light goes away, you can always find some refinery flares in the distance.

There are just about any kind of offroad rig you feel like taking out.  The quads are the most fun if you ask me, though these are a hoot as well :-)

I was hoping for an awesome sunset to show you this trip, but was rather disappointed.  So, here is all I was able to get.  The desert added some character to it, so I kind of like how it turned out.  Just wait until I get a nice shot of the sunsets they have over here.  There simply are no words to describe.  Leaves a person quiet for awhile, knowing they are witnessing something very special.  They are that intense.  I'll find you guys one soon.  So, thats all for now.  See on the next outing!!  Cheers

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