Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ho Chi Minh City (Old Saigon)

Uggggggg!!!!!! I cannot Believe this!!!!!!!  I have taken a number of pictures and went to download them for this blog.  I realized I brought my charger for my Kindle, my Itouch, and nothing else!  I have no Nikon patch cord to download my pics.  Totally bummed.  Well?  What is one to is what it is.  I will have to download them when back in Qatar in a couple wks and resume this blog.

Another surprise was to find out that Vietnam has blocked access to Facebook.  Whats up with that?  So, I have a friend leaving a message on FB reporting this to explain my absence.

I had a wonderful bowl of Pho soup today.  Wanted to see how to compare with the local fare at home.  I can tell you this:  If you like Pho, or you would like to try, I recommend going to Pho 99 in Bellingham near Sehome village (behind the Wendys) , as it was exactly the same.  Just a wonderful bowl of beef shank, broth, onions, chili peppers, basil, noodles and more!  Killer soup after a late night  :-)

I am in a nice place here in Saigon.  I only booked 3 nights.  Then, I venture Northbound to more rural settings.  I will rent a motorbike and go explore some history!  Per capita, Vietnam has the highest number of scooters in the world.  You wouldn't believe the traffic.  I thought I'd seen it all in Bangkok, but the traffic here in hcmc is WAY crazier.  You just hold on and go with the flow.  I was in a "rick shaw" today, the man peddling his bike while i'm in this little cart, and there just isn't any rhyme or reason how the traffic works here.  You honestly think you are about to die!  After a while, I just began to smile and laugh at the closeness of it all and began taking pictures.  Never saw one wreck, which is a miracle.  Okay folks, I'll add photos when I can.  Sorry for that goof up  :-(

It's hot here........just out of the pool so that was nice.  I haven't seen a drop of rain since I left on March 3.  I wouldn't mind seeing a little right now.  Okay people,  on to new adventures...............update soon


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