Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hola from Doha!

So, I went for it.  I went after it, and was offered a job helping to commission Shells' largest refinery in the world.  The thing is, it's in Qatar.?.  For those of you who don't know where Qatar is, you're not alone.  Not many people do.  It's a small country attached to the East coast of Saudi Arabia in the Persian Gulf.  I have been here for over 2 wks now, and slowly my body is acclimating to the climate.  It is going to get MUCH hotter here as the days move on towards April.  Today was in the 90s and still considered "cool".  Yeah, cool.

Luckily for me, every 35 or so days I get to fly out for a couple wks and R&R it wherever my dart lands on the map.  This time, it landed on Goa, India.  April 8 I will be there, so will update from there as well.  I couldn't update this blog last time I tried, but it's working tonight - so I'm trying to spit out a quick update.  The facility here is HUGE at 20Km by 10Km.  Just enormous.  Currently 46,000 people working here, down from a peak of 63,000.  69 countries represented/working here so a very cultural place for sure.  I'm used to it, so I enjoy it.....

Then there is the city of Doha just up the road an hour.  This amazing city is being built right in front of my eyes.  All the building you see here, and it's just a fraction, have built w/i the last 4 yrs!!  Amazing.

Only in Dubai and Doha will you find indoor "Snow Ski runs" and ice rinks in the mall.  Yes, they have everything in Doha.  The money is flowing in.    Before I lose this connection, I'm going to try and load this update.  I expect less troubles when I can find a wifi in India or Thailand.  Qatar is sketchy with it's internet connections.  All is well, cya all in India!

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